So recently the church has been making a push towards keeping the sabbath day holy. When they asked all of the twelve apostles, what can the members do to increase faith and strengthen their testimony they ALL said, 'better keep the sabbath day holy.' Out of everything we could do - read scriptures more, pray more, increase temple worship, service, etc, etc. But... EVERY ONE of them said sabbath day. Pretty cool. So it's an important thing.
Last month Jack was in charge of speakers for sacrament and he found out the day before that there was some miscommunication in the stake and there was no high councilor for the assigned day. Saturday morning as Jack was out the door he said, "Well, maybe be ready to speak on the sabbath tomorrow!" in a joking manner. It was enough to get my mind thinking while I worked on chores and luckily the stake executive secretary stepped forward to speak. I never spent time tuning my thoughts into a talk format, but I thought I'd share some of the thoughts I did have that morning.
Jack's birthday had been coming up so I guess I had birthday on my mind that when I thought, the sabbath is the Lord's Day, how is that similar to Jack's birthday, being his day?
Birthdays are special. They are your special day.
Everyone looks forward to it
You decide what to do.
You decide what to eat.
Meals are planned ahead of time (along with lots of other planning to make sure the day is great!)
Gifts are given, for the birthday person.
So if you think of those same things and apply them to the sabbath.
The sabbath is special. It is God's special day.
We should look forward to it
We should do what he wants us to do.
He has a special meal - the sacrament that we eat and drink
We should plan our meals ahead of time. (Along with other planning)
We should give gifts to the Lord
Basically, the scriptures I read talk about the sabbath being a delight. I thought, do I delight in the sabbath the way I delight in birthdays? I work so hard to make birthdays special, and do I put that same effort into making the sabbath special? Do I plan and work ahead of time so that I can just relax and enjoy the birthday day, the same as I do on the sabbath? We shouldn't be hustling around. Clothes are picked out ahead of time. Meals are planned. The scriptures also teach that the sabbath is not about us. I think often times we say, 'Oh the sabbath! The day I can do whatever I want!" 'Sunday Funday' is one of my biggest pet peeves. But that's not the way we should look at it. We do what the Lord wants. Sure we could think of ourselves for other people's birthdays and give them a gift that we actually want. But that's selfish. You can't argue that. We should give them something that they would enjoy.
So anyway, I know there are some things I can improve upon. And just knowing the way I treat birthdays, it was helpful for me to look at them in the light that do I give enough attention to the Lord on His day. If we do it right, He will delight in the sabbath, but we can too, just like birthdays. ;)
"If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord" - Isaiah 28:13