The apostle Paul in the New Testament (along with so many other prophets and apostles) prophesied that in the last days (our days!) that there would be a "dispensation of the fullness of times"--in other words a period of time when God would reach out to his children again by calling prophets and restoring all the truths from every era in the past. We live in this time.
In 1820, God the father and His Son Jesus Christ personally ushered in this new era. They visited a young man named Joseph Smith and called him to be a prophet just like Noah, Moses or Abraham from the bible.

Through Joseph Smith, Heavenly Father restored, or brought back to mankind, his power and authority to act in religious affairs. God revealed commandments for those who believe in him. We live by those commandments, or try to the best we can. Since Joesph Smith, God has continued to call prophets to guide us and give us a "fullness" of gospel truths. We try to structure our family around those truths. This blog is all about why we do what we do and live like we live.
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