Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Finding Strength

I had a friend pass away Sunday night from leukemia. Things had been going well and a sudden bad turn of events made it somewhat shocking. This week my mind has consistently gone towards this friend and the relationship he had with his wife, another one of my friends. He recently turned 25 and she 24. They were young, beautiful, and in love.

They had a blog documenting his progress, treatment and relationship which I spent the other day going through and tears filled my eyes in amazement at the strength of this young couple. I thought of where they got their strength from and where we can all get strength from.

I know the gospel of Jesus Christ played a role in their strength and it is through the atonement we find that. They continually fasted and prayed and asked others to do so. They felt angels around them and prayers answered. Instead of a post on that, I was reminded of how keeping the right focus on what is most important can make such a difference. I was touched by a post of her sister which documented the first time she went to the hospital after Robert was diagnosed. She states she saw him lying in the bed, Ashley beside him holding his hand, her husband of a year and four months. She says:

"It was November, Thanksgiving time, and there they were, in the hospital. Ashley cradled his hand, careful of the IV tube, and looked at him, hair gone, pale, thin, with dark circles under his eyes. He looked so different, not a shadow, but something approaching one.

To her though, it was apparent that he was the most beautiful thing in the world. One could see this because that beauty was reflected in her face; she looked so lovely, glowing almost, her warmth a contrast to the cold white and steel of her surroundings.

They smiled, talked, laughed with each other. She leaned over and they kissed lightly. Their affection was so heavy, so dense, that it made everything else light. Sorrows, fears, doubts; they all floated up to the ceiling, up and away into the heavens, displaced by the love that would not allow them to stay. She looked at him, past the fear, weariness, and pain, and loved him all the more for it."

I think it is beautiful to read of how a little sister was able to see the power of love. The blog is full of experiences where she got him to laugh, and how much she loves his laugh. That despite him being in pain and on meds, all he thought about was how he wanted to be close to his wife. It makes me evaluate my relationship with my husband and how much I love him. That I want to focus on the love we share rather than worry about expenses, job opportunities, sickness, any little faults he may have or even the troubles in the world.

We are so blessed and I hope that we can remember what is most important and draw strength from that. We need to focus on the blessings that we have been given and show love to those dear to us. No matter our situation, we all have a Savior, Jesus Christ, who lived a perfect life and died for us that we may return to live with him again. His love for us is the most powerful of all and our love for him will make all the difference.

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