I like the idea of documenting what my Grandma believed in so I decided to dedicate a post to having 'a house of order.' Her rant came when talking about parents that eat dinner at different times every day and keep their kids up really late and don't have routine in their life. She said 'kids need a routine. And Heavenly Father told us we need to have a house of order. That means not having a chaotic life.' She believes kids will be better disciplined, well-behaved when they have order. And that is something worth thinking about.
President Monson quoted a philosopher in a First Presidency Message given in October 1999 titled Building Your Eternal Home stating, "consistency, thou art a jewel." In the same talk he tells us Jesus taught, "Behold, mine house is a house of order, ... and not a house of confusion." -Doctrine & Covenants 132:8. Obviously consistency and order, while avoiding confusion, are important aspects in building an eternal home.
When we got married our stake president gave us a little plaque with a scripture found in Doctrine & Covenants 88:119. It was given through the Prophet Joseph Smith at Kirtland, Ohio, December 27, 1832, where the Master counseled, "Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God." - D&C 88:119
I would love in the future to highlight how we can make our homes these things, but for now, my goal is making sure I keep my house a house of order. President Monson encouraged us to "provide time for family, time for work, time for study, time for service, time for recreation, time for self-but above all, time for Christ."
Our family makes sure we make time for these things. And I think it works best when we designate a time for each of these things and let our kids get excited about it. For instance, they know about 7:00 pm we are going to read scriptures and say prayer as a family. It is time for family, a time for study, and time for Christ. We have a prayer wheel that Noah loves to turn to see who's turn it is. He loves piling on each other after prayer for family hug where we all get stuck to each other like honey. He likes hopping to bed as I sing the song my dad used to sing to me. It is these routines that allow our house to be a house of order where the spirit resides.
Some things might not be as much of a daily ritual, but we make sure there is order. When we discipline, we are consistent so they know exactly what we expect and what the consequences are. If Dad comes home from work and the house isn't all cleaned up yet, he becomes captain and calls for all squabs on deck. The boys love getting their orders and calling out, "aye aye sir!" with fingers to forehead as they run around or march putting toys away. There is time for work, without confusion, and the kids appreciate it.
Cheryl Esplin, 2nd counselor in the Primary Presidency, mentioned in an Ensign article titled Mine House is a House of Order, "Heavenly Father has given parents the responsibility to teach and care for their children with love and kindness. He has given children the responsibility to obey and honor their parents. Heavenly Father wants every member of the family to work together to make his or her home a happy, peaceful place where the Spirit can be." I think as we remember to try to make our homes a 'house of order' we will be able to create that.

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