Friday, September 16, 2011

God's Promises

Our Heavenly Father has made promises to all of us. We can learn about those promises from reading the scriptures. The prophet can make promises to us from our Heavenly Father. One of the most prominent in my head is the Book of Mormon Challenge issued by President Gordon B. Hinckley in 2005. He asked us to read it before the end of the year giving this promise at the end. I have attended Stake Conferences and heard the Stake President issue promises (these also come from our Heavenly Father). And I have heard promises come from Heavenly Father in the form of priesthood blessings. There are so many blessings we can be had if we exercise faith in those promises and do our part. Because something I know, without doubt, is that God will always keep his promises.

Those that follow this blog know I was given a promise in a blessing. I decided to heed the blessing, practicing patience and exercising faith. One day passed, then 2, then 3, until 36 days had passed and there was still nothing. When I say nothing, I mean, I had no confirmation that the promise was kept, until I decided to go against what was being recommended by a doctor and requesting something I felt I needed to do. I felt this for awhile, but was hesitant, because I knew it made no sense logically. I know now that it was the Holy Ghost telling me this. I went in for an ultrasound and everything was clear. And had most likely been clear for 33 of those 36 days. The promise was kept 3 days after it was given, but I did not know. I was not given any sign. I continued for those 5 weeks believing, trying to keep fear, doubt, and worry out.

Immediately after this experience Jack compared it to the prophet Lehi. In the very first chapter he was told Jerusalem would be destroyed and to take his family into the wilderness. He trusted in that and left, not knowing if what was promised was true. He knew their lives were spared, but were the wicked actually destroyed? Days, months, years passed and he still did not know. In Chapter 17 we learn he is given another promise- "Yea, and the Lord said also that: After ye have arrived in the promise land, ye shall know that I, the Lord, and God; and that I, the Lord, did deliver you from destruction; yea, that I did bring you out of the land of Jerusalem." Okay, so he is finally told Jerusalem was destroyed. But he still did not have evidence of that. It was still years later, after they got to America, in 2 Nephi, chapter 1 he finally sees the vision that Jerusalem was destroyed, and they would have been to if they stayed.

For me it was after listening to the spirit and taking action, going against what 'the world' would tell me to do and what I needed, I saw a miracle. (I was told Jerusalem was destroyed). The very next day I received the evidence that my body was back on track and working the way it was designed. Confirmation that was everything was fine, and in fact, good (I saw the vision).

There have been some interesting things to learn from this experience that I am thankful for. And the scripture, 'ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith" (Ether 12:6) brings personal, deeper meaning.

P.S. I feel like saying my (and my husband's) faith in this blessing bringing about a miracle of promise neglects another important act. Sunday night my husband decided to begin a fast. This fast lasted longer than a normal 2 meal fast. He fasted as long as he needed. He is such an example to me (and to our children) of someone who believes in the power of God and the promises that come through prayer and fasting. I am so thankful to him and his faith that added to this little miracle in our lives.

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