So I've had a big learning month. I felt my testimony strengthened in a variety of ways. Yesterday was where everyone is given the opportunity to share their testimony during sacrament meeting. I felt like I needed to, so I thought about everything I have gained a deeper insight of or appreciation for. I prayed before going to church, that I would have the spirit with me to know what to say, and if or when I should go up to share.
Well our family left for church, but while the deacons were passing the sacrament our kids started their wiggles. And they kept it up, and it escalated. And my patience was doing the opposite. I was getting frustrated and felt the spirit leaving me. Testimonies started and after a minute of silence, my kids bothering me, I figured it was a good time for me to go ahead and get up.
I got up there, and my thoughts from before of things I've learned went cloudy. I couldn't focus. I didn't just turn around and walk back down :) but I didn't get to share the things I wanted to. Maybe some people were hopefully able to get something out of it, but it was a quick learning experience for me. The spirit keeps our minds clear and focused; it helps us to know what to say, and I didn't have it with me as much as I would have liked. Next time I need to wait until I am not flustered with my children and the spirit prompts me to get up. Testimony doesn't have the same power or effect when I don't.
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