Wednesday, July 8, 2015


I'm back! So I've had the impression to start up again. I'm looking forward to doing a weekly, at least monthly post. Some may be thoughts, some may be more of a devotional where I choose a topic that impresses me, research some and share insights.

First up, freedom! We just celebrated 4th of July and so naturally my thoughts have been on it. We were teaching our children why we celebrate the 4th of July and why America is so great. That night after fireworks when I was tucking the littles into bed, Ezra said, "Mom. I'm kinda sad." I asked why and he said, "Well, because, kids AREN'T free." I laughed and asked what he meant. "We don't get to do whatever we want whenever we want."

You can chuckle at that. And agree. And I'll come back to that, but first, some quick thoughts on freedom-

We talk about freedom as Americans. That we can dress the way we want, say what we want, worship how we want, and not get in trouble. Freedom.

We had made sure to point out earlier to the kids that just because you can, doesn't mean you should. For instance, saying hurtful things. Will you get thrown in jail? No. Is it being kind? No. Sometimes people get confused and do things, 'because they can. It's a free country!' However, we should be respectful. Respect should be taught with freedom. And I understand respect is a two-way road. Too often it is treated one-sided, but that's kind of a different topic altogether.

Unfortunately, not everyone is respectful, or smart, or good, or whatever you want to call it, so there are laws. They are for the general good. They often times protect yourself and others. You need to be 16 to get a drivers license. You need to obey the speed limit. More extreme, don't kill. :) You get the point, people generally agree with the fact that we can have laws, and still be a free country. It's a good thing.

Yet, somehow when we introduce rules, by the term alone, it takes away your freedom. Schools may have a set of rules and they are mocked for taking away one's 'freedom.' Take a minute to think about it. Religion is another hard-hit target. People don't like 'rules.' Even if it is for our own good, and in fact, brings more freedom, which too could be another topic.

But I wanted to address something different today, so I'm going to switch direction a little and go back to Ezra's original comment that night in bed. "We aren't free. We can't do whatever we want, whenever we want." And my first thought was, 'you are free to choose.' I was thinking along the lines of, yeah, ez, you can do whatever you want, but you may get in trouble if you do. Consequences exist, even in America. Some are natural. Some are enforced. But immediately after my mind went to the scripture mastery- "Men are free to choose liberty and eternal life through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil."-2 Nephi 2:25 

ALL men are free. America is great. But God is greater. He is the one who had the plan to let us come to earth to choose for ourselves. Satan was the one who wanted to take that away from us. Just like in life where there are consequences to our choices, there are consequences to God's laws. We can either follow and receive eternal life. Or disobey and be captive to the devil.

I like to be able to teach my children about the blessings of living in America. But I want them to know the Plan of Happiness. Everyone on earth once lived with God. We "knew and worshipped Him, and accepted His Plan by which his children could gain earthly experience and progress toward perfection, and ultimately realize our divine destiny as heirs of eternal life." - The Family Proclamation His plan allows us to come to this earth to be tempted and tried and to exercise our agency to follow Christ's example. I hope and pray my kids will use that agency to make right choices, no matter what the law of the land may say. In our home I hope to help them see the blessings (consequences) that come from choosing the right. And ultimately receive the greatest blessing of all, eternal life. That is what I choose.

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