With recent circumstances I thought I was exercising patience. I was waiting. And I wasn't complaining...until my timeline for patience was running out. Things were going to start getting really inconvenient. The thing is, when you're really exercising patience, you don't have a timeline, Heavenly Father does, and even though you don't know what it is, you trust it.
It was really hard to realize this. I felt myself losing patience. I felt fear rising greater and greater. I didn't like that I was allowing myself to do that, so I felt confused. For me, I thought, I am being patient, how come nothing is coming. I hadn't completely put myself in his hands.
One part of President Uchdorf's talks that stuck out most to me was the following:
"The children of Israel waited 40 years in the wilderness before they could enter the promised land. Jacob waited 7 long years for Rachel. The Jews waited 70 years in Babylon before they could return to rebuild the temple. The Nephites waited for a sign of Christ's birth, even knowing that if the sign did not come, they would perish. Joseph Smith's trials in Liberty Jail caused even the prophet of God to wonder, "How long?"
In each case, Heavenly Father had a purpose in requiring that His children wait.
Every one of us is called to wait in our own way. We wait for answers to prayers. We wait for things which at the time may appear so right and so good to us that we can't possibly imagine why Heavenly Father would delay the answer. ... I learned that God's promises are not always fulfilled as quickly as or in the way we might hope; they come according to His timing and in His ways."
This totally spoke to me. Plus, I like to hear I'm not the only one waiting. In fact, I'm not even having to wait that long. It just broadened my view of how hard it is waiting. Heavenly Father has a purpose in requiring I wait.
A scripture I liked most when studying is that I need to 'continue in patience until ye are perfected." The idea that I am perfecting myself by waiting was admirable. I wanted to be able to do that. President Uchdorf closed his talk by saying "It is my prayer ...that we will courageously trust the Lord's promises and His timing ... and that we will continue in patience until we are perfected." Amen. :)
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