Tuesday, May 14, 2013


We watched this video in Relief Society a couple weeks ago. It's sweet. I remember the story when it was told, but I couldn't help but think as I watched it, 'what if they hadn't stuck around to see the man return and his reaction?' Would the second child still feel good about what he did?

Lots of times we do service, we do kind things, and we don't get to see the outcome. We don't see any change, but we will still feel good about what we did. I had the thought that is important to know. Those acts are kind and generous which will make you a better person, whether you see it or not.

My second thought after this one was the week before my husband told me I should call my Grandma. I asked why. He said, "I just felt like you should call your Grandma and when I get those thoughts I usually act on them." I decided to call her. There was nothing out of the ordinary, I wouldn't say she sounded extra happy to talk to me, but I am sure she still appreciated it. I have seen this happen a few times to my husband. He gets impressions to do something and he acts on them. He may say, "I felt like I was supposed to call you. Everything okay?" And sometimes the reaction from the person might be, "You're a weirdo. Yes I'm fine." (without actually saying that :) But he continues to follow those insights. I think that's great. And I felt like that is also something important to know.

Satan might try to make us feel stupid, that we were wrong, that we really didn't help anyone, but that isn't true. Kind acts are just that. Nothing changes that whether they may have 'really needed it' or not. Maybe the man in the video wasn't really poor. Should you be upset you gave him money? No. If you give a homeless man some money because you thought you should, then he goes and buys alcohol. You still did a kind act. You will be blessed for your charity. Not guilty of feeding his addiction. And we need to be sure to always act on those thoughts. If we do, Heavenly Father will know he can always use us, because he knows we will act.

So the last couple days my thought went back to this video, my impressions, and a new idea hit me. What about when our service is rejected. It's not, we don't get to see the good it brought, it's not, maybe they didn't really need it, but they didn't appreciate it at all. Sometimes when we do things trying to be kind, we'll be told, "You did it wrong." "I didn't want you to do it." etc. And it is really discouraging. It pretty much makes me feel like I don't want to do anything nice anymore. But again, that isn't the point of service.

Of course we all want to feel appreciated. When you do something hard, or sacrifice something, we love to hear the words, "Thank you." We're not asking for a gold medal, but acknowledgement that we did go out of our way is nice. That is a completely new subject. We just need to remember to show our gratitude. But back to the idea when you don't get it. And you get lectured on top of it, that is most difficult of all. And I have no real thoughts to help us get past that, besides what I've already said. That isn't the point of service, it is still making you a better person, Heavenly Father will be able to use you when someone needs it, and He is grateful. Always.

I hope I can be better at remembering those things and not let other's actions, or lack of them, Satan, or anything else deter me from being the kind, loving, giving, selfless, charitable person my Father in Heaven wants me to be.