Monday, March 14, 2016

Baptism / Holy Ghost

My oldest got baptized this last month and because it was for all of the children in the stake, we didn't know any of the speakers or musical numbers. I wanted Noah to have something personal to remember this day by so asked the grandparents to answer a few questions on video for me. Jack and I also answered the questions then I took bits and pieces of what everyone said to teach a little about baptism and the Holy Ghost.

It was a nice experience for me to listen to all of their words and pretty difficult deciding what to cut and what to leave in. My original video is almost 20 minutes long, which is long for an 8 year old boy, but I hope it is something he will love and cherish and be valuable as he gets older.

Here is a condensed version that teaches about baptism and holy ghost and why it is so important to us -

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