Sunday, March 6, 2016

Is Heavenly Father Always Discouraged? Part 2

I made a video that included snippets from Noah's parents and grandparents about baptism and the holy ghost. For me, it was very special to put together. I felt the spirit testify the truth of what was said and the importance of baptism. My testimony was strengthened, and in awe, of the amazing blessings of the Holy Ghost. When you put that many people back to back talking about how the holy ghost helps them, you just can't deny it is an amazing gift from our Heavenly Father.

I was excited to show it to my son, my siblings, and our parents. But, what I realized as I watched it with them, they didn't appreciate it like I did. Noah just wanted to get more pizza and kept sneaking out the room, even my husband was in and out and I felt offended they didn't care about it.

This experience also led me to contemplate some things. When we have something so special to us, it is hard to have that rejected. And even if it isn't full-on rejected, when they don't appreciate it like you do, it is difficult to take in and a few things happen, for me at least.

The easiest way for me to describe it is to relate it to food. If there is a recipe I absolutely love, I get really excited when I can share it. In my head I think, "Oh you are going to love this!!" It's happiness to the core. And then when they eat it, sometimes they're like, 'eh, it's alright.' My heart sinks. "How come you don't like it?!" And I have gotten offended, like it is a personal attack on me, that they don't like something I like.

Or instead of a 'meh' reaction, I have had things just rejected. 'No. This is awful.' When I get that reaction, I handle it even worse. All of a sudden I question myself and everything. Something that I used to love I now think, '... maybe it isn't that great.' or I get negative thoughts, 'what is wrong with me?' When in reality, there is nothing wrong with me. And just because somebody doesn't like something I like, does not mean I should like it less. Their opinion of something should have no effect on what I think of it. I loved it. You can love it. Or you can hate it. But for me, I love it.

These thoughts are kind of random but when I was having all of these thoughts in my head saurkraut came into my head. I remember the first time I heard of saurkraut. I was at my friend Alise' house and her mother had it out on the bar, putting it on a sandwich. For one, it smelled terrible. Two, it looked terrible. And then her mom MADE me try it! She talked about how great it was and she talked it up enough I thought, maybe it won't be so bad. Oh. My. Goodness. That was the worst bite ever!!! How can ANYONE like that stuff?! I mean, I was probably 8 years old and I still clearly remember tasting it and thinking how terrible it was. Fastforward 15+ years and I had a reuben sandwich. Delicious!! I didn't quite realize it was saurkraut on that sandwich. When I learned it was saurkraut I was shocked. I remember trying that and hating it! Now... it's good. On this sandwich at least. But my goodness, as time has gone by it has become one of my favorite things! I love it. I put it on sandwiches, hot dogs, really, loads of stuff. And I think it is crazy how something I just did not get, I did not understand how anyone could like it, has become something I now love.

When I apply all of these thoughts to the gospel, which I'm sure you realized I was going to do :) I have learned some things -

The gospel is special to me. I feel the truth of it and it brings me great happiness. My testimony encompasses several things. Some of those things people have not come to appreciate or learn for themselves yet. Just because people don't feel and think the same way I do about everything does not mean they don't like me, it doesn't mean I'm stupid, and it doesn't make it any less important in my life. Perhaps they are not 'mature enough in the gospel.' Just because they don't accept it now doesn't mean they will never accept it. There may come a day when they love it just as much. We just need to hold fast to what we love, and not let go after we partake of the fruit like the people in Lehi's vision when it is met with mocking. We love it and we don't let other distractions pull us away. We hope and pray and be patient that others will come and join us.

I titled this 'Is Heavenly Father Always Discouraged, Part 2' because it all tied to my initial thoughts. And the same lesson applies. Heavenly Father doesn't give up when someone rejects the gospel. He doesn't think, 'All is lost. All the time, everything I did, was for nothing." (which is kind of how I felt after spending hours making a video 'nobody' appreciated) Of course he doesn't feel that way. And if I'm trying to become more like Him, then I can certainly learn a lot from Him and not feel that way either after any little piece of discouragement I encounter. :)

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