Friday, April 22, 2016

Woman Who Touched the Hem of Jesus

We recently had a Relief Society meeting where we highlighted different women in the scriptures and what we can learn from them. I was given the woman who touches the hem of Jesus and is healed. There is SO much I could have said about her, and I developed a great love for her and her story as I studied it, but I was only given 2 minutes. I thought I would include what I shared here, and encourage you to look more deeply into her story, because there is a lot there -

In Mark chapter 5 we learn of a woman who has had an issue of blood for 12 years. That is to say, she had a flow of blood, so think of menstruating nonstop for 12 straight years! That alone sounds awful.

Under Mosaic law, if you had any bodily discharge, male or female, you were deemed unclean.You were unable to enter the tabernacle or even go near it, unable to make tithes and offerings, unable to eat any consecrated food, unable to participate in the passover, in essence, unable to worship your God or be cleansed, to feel that rejuvination, until the issue stopped, you waited a certain number of days, and followed certain cleansing rituals.

Along with this, anyone or anything you touched, also became unclean. It went as far as if someone touched something you had touched, they became unclean, causing these people to be avoided, almost shunned like lepers of the time, especially if it was a continuous problem with no end in sight.

So this woman had gone 12 long years, being labeled 'unclean.' I am sure she felt it herself, not being able to enter a tabernacle or worship, and having everyone around her think of her as ‘unclean'- someone to be avoided. For if they even touched a chair she sat in, they would become unclean, unable to worship themselves. Not only that, she had spent all her money to physicians trying to figure out what was wrong.

She probably felt very, very alone. She had no money, most likely no friends or any form of physical touch for 12 years. The pain, suffering, loneliness, helplessness this woman probably felt is unimaginable.

Now in the account we have Jairus, a patron or ruler, who had a 12 year old daughter who was very ill and had gone to Jesus asking for help. Jesus was on his way to heal this young girl, when this woman reaches out to touch his hem. She had no one who could go to Jesus for her to ask for his help as Jairus was doing for his daughter. Now remember by touching him, under Mosaic law, she would deem him unclean. He would be unable to participate in ceremonial activities. If it was a priest on his way to help this child, he would be unable to perform his duty. It was a bold move, and one that would have taken great courage and faith. But that is what she had. She knew He was Jesus, with the power of God and able to do all things. And when she touched him He felt power leave him. Her faith was so strong she pulled power from him and immediately she felt she was healed and probably wished to fall back, unnoticed. But Jesus stops. He is on his way to help a little girl that is about to die. But he stops. For her. For this woman who had been suffering from a trial unique to women. Men don't know what it's like. But he understood. And he gives her more opportunity for growth.

He knows who touched him, but he asks, "Who touchest me." Everyone else, this crowd of people thinking, what are you talking about, there are people everywhere. But he turns and looks at her. Scared, surrounded by all these people that have probably been unkind, shunned her for so long, uncertain how anyone would react, she steps forward and recounts what she is doing. In essence, she bears her testimony, in front of all these people.

Jairus then receives word his daughter has died. Perhaps if Jesus hadn’t stopped he could have made it there in time. ... Or perhaps, this miracle, her testimony of faith and the power of God could have strengthened Jairus' faith in Christ, so that it would be strong enough to allow Jesus to heal his daughter.

There are so many lessons we can learn from this woman. No matter our trial - poverty, loneliness, health issues, having been away from church for a long time (all things this woman felt), Jesus has power to heal us all spiritually, physically, and emotionally. He knows, understands, and cares about our individual and unique difficulties. He will always give us of his time, nothing is more important than you. It takes effort on our part, courage, faith, and we may be be stretched more than we wish, but by sharing our testimony we grow ourselves, and help those around us.

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